The specific features of high-velocity magnetic fluid sealing complexes


  • A. Radionov ООО «НПВП «Феррогидродинамика», г. Николаев, Украина, Ukraine
  • A. Podoltsev Институт электродинамики НАН Украины, г. Киев, Украина, Ukraine
  • G. Peczkis Политехника Свентокшиская, г. Кельце, Poland



magnetic fluid sealing complex, centrifugal force, magnetic force, working gap, magnetic fluid, modeling


The factors, which are insignificant at small velocities, become rather considerable with increasing the shaft surface
velocity as far as the magnetic fluid sealing complex (MFSC) is concerned They impact both on the pressure drop restrained by the sealer and on MFS operational resource. The mutual influence of magnetic and centrifugal forces in the gap of the high-speed
magnetic fluid sealing complex is analyzed. A method for reducing the effect of centrifugal forces on the performance of a complex by placing magnetic flux concentrators on a rotating shaft with the use of multi-physical modeling is studied. It is shown that the
location of the magnetic flux concentrators on the shaft results in the decrease in the magnetic field drop under the last outer tooth by 10%. It is also shown that the location of magnetic flux concentrators on the shaft reduces the value of the vortex velocity in the
end part of the sealer, the directions of the vortex and the magnetic induction vector are opposite each other. The obtained results allowed to expand the field of application of magneto-liquid hermetic complexes at high linear velocities in the gap and were used in
the development of the design of the sealing gas-blowing complex, working on coke oven gas.


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How to Cite

A. Radionov, A. Podoltsev, and G. Peczkis, “The specific features of high-velocity magnetic fluid sealing complexes”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(83), pp. 57–63, Oct. 2018.



Original study