Study of Overhung Pump Performance Considering Thermal Stress


  • Olha Orel Public JSC “VNIIAEN”, Ukraine
  • Viacheslav Khvorost Public JSC “VNIIAEN”, Ukraine
  • Anna Fursina Zaporozhye National Technical University, Ukraine
  • Aleksei Kozlov JSC “NASOSENERGOMASH Sumy”, Ukraine



single-stage overhung pump, pump performance, running clearance, convective heat-transfer, heat conduction, heat-transfer coefficient, temperature field, displacement field, stresses, temperature deformations,


The object of the study is a centrifugal horizontal single-stage overhung pump that is a part of the steam generator emergency cooldown system and designed to return the steam condensate of the secondary system of NPP to the steam generator during emergency condition. Aimed to justify the pump performance we performed research and evaluated strength of stressed pump under mechanical loads and temperature field by means of 3D model. The change in the running clearance between rotor and stator parts was studied as a time function under unsteady temperature field. The operability of the pump was proved with respect to its strength and allowable running clearances of gap seals as well as it was shown that deformation of pump parts under thermal stress greatly depends on temperature field distribution. It was found that it is necessary to consider heat-transfer process under temperature field stress in order to design high-efficient reliable equipment.


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How to Cite

O. Orel, V. Khvorost, A. Fursina, and A. Kozlov, “Study of Overhung Pump Performance Considering Thermal Stress”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(83), pp. 72–79, Oct. 2018.



Original study