Vortex motion inside of the cross-streamlined trench





cross-streamlined trench, wind tunne, hydrodynamic flume, flow visualization, vortex structure


Abstract. The background is experimental study of the forming and evolution features of the vortex structures which are generated
inside of the cross-streamlined trenches of different depth and length.
Purpose. The objective is by means of visualization with photo and video shooting of gas or fluid current pictures in the interior of
semi-cylindrical and oval trenches situated on a flat plate to discover the liquid particles trajectories and the objective laws of
vortices nucleation and ejections to cocurrent flow.
Design/methodology/approach. The investigation was carried out in a wind tunnel and hydrodynamic flume using flow visualization
in different current regimes above plate with cavities. In experiments smoke visualization, contrasting dyes and water-soluble
coating were used for determination of integral pictures of the vortex systems disposition and interaction, taking into account
distinction between its scales.
Findings. Regularity of the vortex movement evolution, identification of the local places of vortex structures formation allowed to
estimate their sizes, to fix frequencies and location of ejections of small- and large-scale vortex structures out of the trenches
depending on flow regimes of the plate with cavity. Received data are useful in the quest for new methods of energy and mass
exchange control on streamlined surfaces of thermal, nuclear power plants, flying machines and marine vessels.


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How to Cite

V. N. Turick, V. A. Voskoboinick, and A. V. Voskoboinick, “Vortex motion inside of the cross-streamlined trench”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(83), pp. 64–71, Oct. 2018.



Original study