Investigation of energy recovery during braking on hybrid cars using a pneumatic engine


  • М. М. Yatsyna Кременчуцький національний університет ім. М. Остроградського, Ukraine



hybrid vehicle, energy recovery, pneumatic engine, parameters, stability, histogram, flywheel


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop methods for generating energy recovery parameters by studying the results of loads of the 3D model of the brake assembly with the Makhovikov energy recuperator based on pneumatic weapons. Also, trends in the development of the use of hybrid vehicles, in particular with energy recovery in
the braking mode when using a pneumatic motor as an additional power unit, are also considered. Methodology. The article presents a technique for creating an energy balance in recuperation braking, since the braking system is one of
the elements of active safety, it requires its detailed study and study. Therefore, an inertial (flywheel, mechatronic) energy storage device can be used as an alternative source of energy for vehicle power units, in which energy is stored in the
form of mechanical energy of a disk or a cylinder that rotates rapidly. Kinetic energy of rotation, accumulated in a rotating body (flywheel). Originality. It is established that the most expedient is to use the input data established in the
regulatory documents. Results. When testing vehicles equipped with a pneumatic drive and an energy recovery system, the share of the pneumatic regenerative braking system should not exceed the minimum level guaranteed by the design of the system.


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How to Cite

Yatsyna М. М., “Investigation of energy recovery during braking on hybrid cars using a pneumatic engine”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(83), pp. 108–115, Oct. 2018.



Original study