To a procedure of definition of the "equivalent" physico-mechanical characteristics of a honeycomb filler of a composite plate


  • Konstantin Rudakov Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Maslyey ГП "КБ "Южное" им. М.К. Янгеля", г. Днепр, Ukraine



a honeycomb filler, the "equivalent" physicomechanical characteristics, 3D-orthotropy, numerical 3D modelling, FEM, methodical recommendations


Purpose. To fulfil methodical recommendations about definition of "equivalent" physicomechanical characteristics of a metal honeycomb filler of type HEXCEL. Methodology. Carried out calculations by a FEM of six models of a honeycomb filler of type HEXCEL on the basis of a foil 5056-6-23, and also applied engineering formulas. Findings. It is shown, that in need of carrying out of calculations of a honeycomb filler of type HEXCEL as a part of a composit plate by a FEM with high accuracy, rationally and it is enough to apply three-dimensional finite elements of type Solid of the first order of approximation. It is revealed, that the majority of "equivalent" physicomechanical characteristics of the specified filler are defined with high accuracy simple formulas. But not all: modules Yung's boy and are defined with the big errors. Considering, that their parity influences a parity between factors Пуассона and , these modules are necessary for defining on the basis of numerical calculations. Originality. Methodical recommendations about definition of all "equivalent" physicomechanical characteristics of a metal honeycomb filler of type HEXCEL, necessary for thermal and thermoelastic calculations are created.


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How to Cite

K. Rudakov and V. Maslyey, “To a procedure of definition of the "equivalent" physico-mechanical characteristics of a honeycomb filler of a composite plate”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 84, no. 3(84), pp. 75–85, Dec. 2018.



Original study