Stress concentration factor near loaded hole contacting with the bolt in the monolayer of orthotropic composite material




Stress concentration factor, 2D-orthotropy, FEA solutions


Purpose. To suggest a method to predict the stress concentration factor near loaded hole contacting with the bolt in the monolayer of orthotropic composite material to be independent of difficult calculations. And to verify the factor with use results of numerical calculations using the finite element method in contact formulation. Methodology. The analysis of known outcomes in the literature is carried out. Several assumptions have been formulated about the changes of stress concentration factor depending on the ratio of the hole diameter to the plate width, as well as on orthotropy in the plate material. Assumptions are confirmed by calculated results, graphs. The finite element method was used. Results. A formula is proposed that predicts the stress concentration factor without carrying out difficult calculations of contact problems using known approximations for an isotropic material and the Lekhnitsky-Soldatov solution for a stretched orthotropic infinite plate with an empty hole. Using the results of numerical calculations of contact boundary problems with the finite element method the proposed formula was verified, its good accuracy was shown in the practically applicable range of the ratio of the hole diameter to the plate width. Originality. A four-step method is developed - simple formulas that allow rapid prediction of the stress concentration factor near loaded hole contacting with the bolt in a monolayer of orthotropic composite material using only of the elastic characteristics of the plate material, proven approximations and simple solutions.


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How to Cite

K. Rudakov, Y. Dyfuchyn, and S. Babienko, “Stress concentration factor near loaded hole contacting with the bolt in the monolayer of orthotropic composite material”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(85), pp. 41–48, Apr. 2019.



Original study