Analysis of the influence of the magnetic field on the laminar flow of a viscous fluid in the channels


  • O. Koval Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. Mamedov Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Y. Karashchuk Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv, Ukraine



flow rate, initial part, magnetic field, non-Newtonian fluids


This paper is devoted to the problem of hydrodynamics of an electrically conducting fluid in a constant magnetic field acting perpendicular to the velocity vector. The influence of the transverse magnetic field on the behavior of an electrically conductive viscous fluid in the channel is analyzed. Experiments using magnetic plates with a given magnetic field made it possible to consider the conditions for the interaction of the velocity head of a liquid with a magnetic field strength and confirmed the effect of flow deceleration due to the magnetic field. As it is known, the presence of a magnetic field in this case leads to a change in the rheological properties of the flowing electrically conducting fluid and, as shown in the paper, the fluid acquires viscous-plastic properties, which significantly affects the flow resistance. The paper also shows the dependence of resistance not only on the Reynolds number but also on the Hartmann criterion. Further studies will allow to make recommendations for the calculation of hydraulic resistance, taking into account the influence of a magnetic field.


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How to Cite

O. Koval, A. Mamedov, and Y. Karashchuk, “Analysis of the influence of the magnetic field on the laminar flow of a viscous fluid in the channels”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(85), pp. 71–77, Apr. 2019.



Original study