Ensuring the quality of the connection of layers from different metals in the manufacture of bietallic tubular elements by drawing





stress-strain state, the components of the stress and strain rate, dissimilar metals, the boundary surface, the degree of deformation, surface topography, extract with thinning, two-layer preform, the geometric parameters of the original piece


A complex technique of theoretical and experimental research of the process of manufacturing bimetallic tubular elements by drawing with thinning of a two-layer billet of dissimilar metals using the relief of the boundary surface is presented. Using the theory of plastic flow, a mathematical model was developed for the deformation of the joint drawing process with thinning of two dissimilar metals with heating under conditions of a plane deformed state, which allowed to establish the relationship between the parameters of the stress-strain state on the boundary surface and the degree of deformation of the thinning with the original geometric parameters of the workpiece to fill the relief of the boundary surface


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How to Cite

R. Borys and V. Titov, “Ensuring the quality of the connection of layers from different metals in the manufacture of bietallic tubular elements by drawing”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(85), pp. 63–70, Apr. 2019.



Original study