Estimation of limit state for quasi-isotropic [90°/± 45°/0°]S AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy under uniaxial and biaxial loads




estimation of limit state, biaxial stress state, laminated carbon fiber reinforced plastic, composite materials, elastic constants.


Background. Composite materials, in particular laminated carbon fiber reinforced with high-strength unidirectional fibers, are widely used in many industries. The active development of the production of fibers and matrices leads to a large number of new materials and their widespread using in production requires effective techniques for estimate the ultimate state of carbon fiber under various load conditions.

Objective. Comparative analysis of strength estimation methods using the example of laminated carbon fiber with AS4 carbon fiber and a 3501-6-epoxy matrix reinforcing pattern [90 ° / ± 45 ° / 0 °] s under UNIAXIAL AND BIAXIAL LOADS conditions using an analytical model of the degradation of the mechanical properties of the composite layer proposed in the work of M.K. Kucher and M.M. Zarazovskii and the method of numerical simulation in the software environment ANSYS Workbench.

Methods. The mechanical characteristics of the carbon fiber monolayer were previously calculated using various analytical methods: the mixture rule, the coaxial cylinder method, the Kilchinsky model, and the Vanin method. The stress calculations were compared with tests results published by a group of authors (P. D. Soden, M. J. Hinton & A. S. Kaddour).

Results. The application boundaries for numerical and analytical methods for assessing the strength of carbon plastics in a plane and linear stress state are analyzed.

Conclusions. Based on the studies, it was concluded that the model of degradation of the mechanical properties of the layer requires improvement under conditions of a negative ratio between the main stresses. The effectiveness of using the ACP(Pre) and ACP(Post) modules of the ANSYS Workbench software environment for estimation the ultimate state of laminated carbon fiber reinforced plastic under uniaxial and biaxial loads conditions is confirmed.


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How to Cite

V. Rubashevskyi and S. Shukayev, “Estimation of limit state for quasi-isotropic [90°/± 45°/0°]S AS4/3501-6 carbon/epoxy under uniaxial and biaxial loads”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(86), pp. 7–13, Nov. 2019.


