The dimensional stability assessment of the composite honeycomb panel for the conditions of thermal and gravitational loading in a Near-Earth Orbit




composite materials, multilayer carbon fiber plates, honeycomb, thermomechanical characteristics, thermal stability, finite element approximations, mathematical model, numerical calculations, thermal state, stress-strain state


Abstract. The results of the numerical determination of the stress-strain state of the composite honeycomb panel under gravitational and thermal loads of varying intensity in a near-earth orbit are presented. As a simulation model of the structure under study, a typical structure of a composite cell panel with a known type of cell arrangement of honeycomb aluminum filler and reinforcement schemes for layers of carbon fiber material for upper and lower plates with known thermomechanical properties was chosen. To solve the problems of thermoelasticity, we used the finite element method in mathematical formulations for stationary thermal and quasistatic thermomechanical analysis. The distribution of the values of von Mises equivalent stresses in the structural elements of the honeycomb panel under thermal loads in the temperature range from -80 to +80 is determined. The longitudinal and transverse deflections of the honeycomb from the action of thermal loads of various intensities in the near-earth orbit are found. The limiting value of the temperature difference between the outer surfaces of the plates, which ensures the thermal stability of the composite honeycomb panel, has been established. The maximum deflections of the honeycomb have been found out from gravitational and thermal stresses in the near-Earth orbit.

Author Biography

M. Kryshchuk, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Kyiv

кафедра ДММ та ОМ ММІ


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How to Cite

M. Kryshchuk, V. Maslyey, S. Shukaev, and J. Lavendels, “The dimensional stability assessment of the composite honeycomb panel for the conditions of thermal and gravitational loading in a Near-Earth Orbit”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(86), pp. 130–137, Nov. 2019.



Aviation Systems and Technologies