To definition of modules of elasticity of a plate with unidirectional reinforcing height-modules a carbon fibre




CFRP, elastic modulus, numerical 3D modeling


Problematic. For carrying out of calculations of any products on reception of characteristics of their is intense-deformed condition it is necessary to have, among other, modules of elasticity of materials. For layered polymeric composite materials (CFRP) in specifications on their components specify only the module the Ship's boy at a stretching and factor Poisson. Other modules of elasticity usually define under known formulas, at the best - in numerical or natural experiment. The received values have considerable disorder.

Research objective: selection of formulas for definition of modules of elasticity of the unidirectional monolayer, the most corresponding to composition ЭДТ-10 / TC 36S-12K.

Realization technique. Numerical calculations with application of a method of final elements (a contact problem) a characteristic element of a plate from layered CFRP have been carried out. It was assumed it transverse isotropic.

Results of research. By results of calculations modules of elasticity are defined and the formulas most corresponding to composition ЭДТ-10 / TC 36S-12K are revealed.

Conclusions. The carried out calculations have shown, that contact FEM-models of a composite monolayer yield good results of definition of its elastic characteristics.


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How to Cite

V. Maslyey and K. Rudakov, “To definition of modules of elasticity of a plate with unidirectional reinforcing height-modules a carbon fibre”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(87), pp. 7–15, Dec. 2019.


