Analytical modeling of the influence of the construction of the ultrasonic piezoceramic sandwich type transducer on the amplitude




ultrasonic transducer, piezoceramics, sandwich piezoelectric transducer, resonant frequency, oscillation amplitude


Abstract. The issues related to the calculation of the sandwich converters geometric dimensions based on piezoceramics are presented in this paper. The equations for the package geometric dimensions are obtained depending on the operating frequency, the material of the pads and the thickness of the piezoceramic package. An analytical expression is obtained to calculate the oscillatory velocity amplitude on the working surface of the transducer in the idle mode. The comparative analysis of the calculated resonance frequency by analytical expressions and the calculated value by finite element method is carried out. It is shown that the discrepancy does not exceed ten percent. As a result of the analytical study, it is shown that the asymmetric transducer gives a greater amplitude of oscillations compared to the symmetric one, independent of the lining material. Increasing the amplitude of the oscillatory velocity can be achieved by increasing the thickness of the packet or by performing a working lining of a material having a lower wave resistance.


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How to Cite

A. Movchanyuk, O. Luhovskyi, and V. Fesich, “Analytical modeling of the influence of the construction of the ultrasonic piezoceramic sandwich type transducer on the amplitude”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(87), pp. 75–82, Dec. 2019.



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