Damage model for calculating the failure of structural materials





elasticity modules, damage, kinetic processes, loosening of material


Abstract. In the paper are considered the processes of scattered damage accumulation  as multiscale and multistage kinetic processes that lead to degradation of the physical and mechanical properties of structural materials, such as elasticity modules and lead to structural changes in structural materials as a result of material loosening under external influences.

Damage components that, as a result of loosening, change the size and shape of the elementary volumes of structural elements under loads are considered.

In the paper we obtained a tensor of the fourth rank of the damage function and its first and second invariants. The effect of damage on the value of the effective stresses when stretching the plate with the hole are considered.


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How to Cite

O. Bondarets, A. Grabovskyi, and I. Babiienko, “Damage model for calculating the failure of structural materials”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(87), pp. 38–46, Dec. 2019.


