Information and energy approach to solving problems of hydrodynamics and mechatronics in energy transfer processes




transfer phenomenon, information and energy transfer, viscosity, temperature, heat flux, system, synthesis, system engineering, informational entropy, entropy potential, cavitation, process, photogrammetry technical visualization, mechatronics


Abstract. The article considers the approach of the physical aspects of transfer processes. From the angle of the main postulate of thermodynamics - the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical work and vice versa, the energy balance in a poppet valve was considered. A diagram of the interaction of the system through the process of transfer, operation, and an analogy between a poppet hydraulic valve and an electric transistor is illustrated. It is shown that heat is one form of energy that can be converted into other forms. As a result of numerical and physical visualization, it has been established that when the fluid moves in a poppet valve, various physical transfer processes occur. For example, cavitation, in which there is a significant change in the energy balance and energy dissipation under non-stationary modes of fluid motion. As a first approximation, an attempt is made to connect the equations of the transport phenomenon with information transfer through an energy gradient.

The given information-energy approach and algorithm are acceptable for formulating and solving problems on non-idealized mechanical and hydromechanical systems that are in dissipative processes. The article describes the principles that can be used to design apparatuses and modules of mechatronic systems.



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How to Cite

I. Nochnichenko and O. Yakhno, “Information and energy approach to solving problems of hydrodynamics and mechatronics in energy transfer processes”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(88), pp. 38–48, Apr. 2020.


