Influence of the inicial porous preform shape on the deformed state evolution and force parameters of the forging process in a semi-closed die


  • G. Bagliuk Institute for Problems of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. Kyryliuk Institute for Problems of Materials Science NAS of Ukraine, Ukraine



forging, porosity, deformation, stress-strain state, densification, forces, forged piece, flash


Abstract. The results of simulation of hot forging process for porous powder preforms of two initial configurations (cylindrical shape and in the form of a cut cone) in a die with detachable matrix are presented. Numerical assessment of the effect of the boundary conditions of the deformation scheme on the evolution of the stress-strain state of the forged piece was performed using the model of rigidly plastic porous body. The evolution of the relative density distribution, the deformed state along the cross section of the workpiece at different stages of deformation and the overall effort of deforming the process were studied. The fundamentally different nature of the evolution of density distribution and components of deformation tensor in the forged pieces volume is shown in deformation of the preforms of different initial configuration, which is manifested in a substantially higher level of deformations intensity in the volume for the initial preforms, which are made in the form of a cut cone in a cut cylindrical shape. The maximum value of the forging force for the initial preforms of both configurations is practically the same, but the intensity of the deformation force increase is much higher for the cylindrical blanks.


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How to Cite

G. Bagliuk and S. Kyryliuk, “Influence of the inicial porous preform shape on the deformed state evolution and force parameters of the forging process in a semi-closed die”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(88), pp. 49–57, Apr. 2020.


