Method of gearbox state estimation of the metro tunnel escalator drive


  • Yu. M. Danylchenko National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine
  • V. Yu. Bojko Progresstech-Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • A. I. Petryshyn National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Ukraine



gearbox, vibration spectrum, fault diagnosis, DASYLab, low and high resolution spectra, natural frequencies, vibration modes


A method for detecting excitations leading to the damage of the gears and bearings working surfaces has been developed by means of experimental study of the dynamic characteristics of the metro tunnel escalator drive gearbox in normal and bad performance. The technique is based on the acquisition and analysis of low and high resolution spectra. The technique is tested during the analysis of vibration spectra of a standard three-stage, four-shaft tunnel escalator drive gearbox. The vibration analysis was performed using the kinematic excitation frequencies generated by the gears and rolling bearings in the zones of resonance vibrations of the gearbox elements. According to the results of the analysis, the presence of variable stiffness of the teeth in one of the gears and damage of the inner ring of the ball bearing of the intermediate shaft cover is established.


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How to Cite

Y. M. Danylchenko, V. Y. Bojko, and A. I. Petryshyn, “Method of gearbox state estimation of the metro tunnel escalator drive”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(89), Sep. 2020.



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