Features of the System Approach at Studydefense-Industrial Complex of Ukraine





military-industrial complex, systematic approach, catastrophe, bifurcation, limit cycle, attractor, dissipative structure self-organization, diffuse system, metabolism, homeostasis


The article considers one of the possible approaches to the analysis of the military-industrial complex of Ukraine from the point of view of a systematic approach.

The definition of the military-industrial complex in terms of a systematic approach is given, which makes it possible to justify the need to use the holistic paradigm and synergetic approach to study its condition and development prospects.

The most common synergistic effects of economic systems, which are fully inherent in the military-industrial complex of Ukraine and their impact on the processes in the military-industrial complex, are considered.

The role of endogenous and exogenous factors of the economic system in the construction of the phase space and phase portrait of the system is shown. The importance of the influence of exogenous factors (control parameters) on the behavior of the economic system is emphasized.

The sequence of actions using the synergistic approach to the study of economic systems is determined.


Author Biographies

I B Chepkov, Central Scientific-Research Institute of Military Equipment of the Armed Services of Ukraine

Head of Institute, Ph.D., Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology

M I Lukhanin, Central Scientific-Research Institute of Military Equipment of the Armed Services of Ukraine.

Chief Researcher of the Scientific-Research Department of the Development of Military Equipment of Special Forces, Ph.D., Dr. Tech. Sc., Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology

V. Ye. Sirenko, Central Scientific-Research Institute of Military Equipment of the Armed Services of Ukraine.

Leading Researcher of the Scientific-Research Department of Military-Technical Policy, Ph.D., Econ. Sc., Member of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, Member of the East- Ukrainian Business Academy, Corresponding Member of the Engineering Academy of Ukraine  

M. A. Chernega, Central Scientific-Research Institute of military equipment of the Armed Services of Ukraine.

Researcher of the scientific-research department of military-technical policy


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How to Cite

I. B. Chepkov, M. I. Lukhanin, V. Y. Sirenko, and M. A. Chernega, “Features of the System Approach at Studydefense-Industrial Complex of Ukraine”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(88), pp. 156–165, Apr. 2020.



Aviation Systems and Technologies