Vacuum-plasma protective coating for turbines blades.


  • O. V. Sagalovych АТ «ФЕД», Ukraine
  • V. V. Sagalovych АТ «ФЕД», Ukraine
  • V. V. Popov АТ «ФЕД», Ukraine
  • S. F. Dudnik АТ «ФЕД», Ukraine



The operation reliability and service life of various heat engineering equipment:
 turbines, steam generators, heat exchangers, valves and control valves, pumps, etc. largely depends on the degree of wear of the working surfaces of highly loaded machine elements, particularly working blades of steam turbines and compressors of gas turbine engines (GTE) and gas turbine units (GTU).


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How to Cite

O. V. Sagalovych, V. V. Sagalovych, V. V. Popov, and S. F. Dudnik, “Vacuum-plasma protective coating for turbines blades”., Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 1(88), pp. 124–134, Apr. 2020.



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