Perspectives of Application of Rapid Internal Combustion Engine in Drive of Mobile Technique: Energy Efficiency of a Heat-Engine




rapid internal combustion engine, efficiency, working volume (capacity), mobile machinery, energy effectiveness, environmental friendliness


Otto-engine has won the technical competition with Diesel-engine. However its positions are treated as unstable and the ways of its improvement have been developed. The presented work substantiates that the majority of the atypical internal combustion engines’ designs, the so called  Z-, Scuderi-, Zajac-, DIRO-engines, quintuple Schmitz-engine, etc., do not introduce considerable changes in the technology of transforming the heat into the mechanic work. Thus, there is little reason to expect any considerable advancement in the increase of the effectiveness of energy transformations. Nevertheless, in other terms the innovations are substantial: Z-engine unconditionally outweighs the conventional one in its mass and dimension parameters; the fuel mixture of DIRO-engine has the capacity to burn longer and more effectively; Zajac-engine implements the effective process of continual external combustion, etc.

The general theory, reconsidering the effect of the above mentioned ideas, in its turn acknowledges the efficiency of controlling the structure of working cycles in a way it unconditionally acknowledges the efficiency of cylinders cutoff or controlling the frequency of working cycles in the engine under the changeable load. It is strongly believed that the substantial effectiveness can be expected from advancing the technology of volumetric ignition by compression of ideal homogenized working mixture, the technology known as Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition. It extremely reinforces the effect of rapid internal combustion distinctive of the Otto-engine. Thus, the possibility to improve the Otto-engine is considered to be absolutely real, and can be employed in the gear of machinery with the high level of autonomy.


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How to Cite

P. Hashchuk and S. Nikipchuk, “Perspectives of Application of Rapid Internal Combustion Engine in Drive of Mobile Technique: Energy Efficiency of a Heat-Engine”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 2(89), Sep. 2020.


