Operability Study of Overhung Pump Being Under Special Dynamic Loads


  • Andrei Rudenko JSC "VNIIAEN", Sumy, Ukraine
  • Vyacheslav Khvorost JSC "VNIIAEN", Sumy, Ukraine




centrifugal overhung pump, operability, stiffness, temperature field, displacement field, thermoelasticity, response spectrum, natural frequency, vibration mode, reduced stresses, annular gap


One important part during designing of pumping equipment for nuclear power plants is to ensure pumping equipment operability and stiffness under extreme dynamic loads of natural and anthropogenic nature. One of the most dangerous and intensive natural sources is seismic load, and the most dangerous anthropogenic impact are considered to be air shock wave (ASW) and aircraft crush (AC) on the enclosures of the reactor building. At the present time mathematic models and methods for calculation of NPP equipment operability under special dynamic loads (SDL) are applied to define stress-strain state of the design in whole, to assess local deformation in zones having the highest level of equivalent stresses and for studying the design state in other extreme conditions affecting the safety of NPP. Calculation estimation of the design dynamic response to external loads of natural and anthropogenic nature is necessary to avoid wrong decision solutions at the design stage and manufacturing of new equipment.


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How to Cite

A. Rudenko and V. Khvorost, “Operability Study of Overhung Pump Being Under Special Dynamic Loads”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(90), pp. 34–42, Dec. 2020.


