Algorithmization of the combined approach to the synthesis of engineering solutions




synthesis, technical solution, designing, invention, mechanical engineering, optimization, neural network.


This article focuses on solving the problem of designing new, more adapted and universal technical objects associated with the conceptual design of complex structural elements, and require the analysis and assessment of a large number of possible alternatives. To solve this problem, an urgent problem arises of creating new and improving existing methods for finding engineering solutions that will effectively solve the problem of synthesizing technical solutions using modern technologies. The solution to this problem is presented in this article, which proposes a combined approach to the synthesis of engineering solutions, based on the classical method of morphological research (to form a set of alternatives) and neural network technology (to form a rational technical solution). The article presents the developed algorithm for the operation of the block of intelligent decision making, which provides the process of synthesizing engineering solutions of the intellectual component and expands the technical level of the developed functional units, while reducing their design time. The paper presents a developed structural-functional model for the synthesis of engineering solutions, based on the proposed combined approach.


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How to Cite

O. Litvin, S. Pankov, and I. Yashchuk, “Algorithmization of the combined approach to the synthesis of engineering solutions”, Mech. Adv. Technol., no. 3(90), pp. 113–119, Dec. 2020.



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