Modeling the material of the cylindrical work with welded seam at compression distribution of vehicle parts




cylindrical billet; weld seam; plastic deformation; stresses, model, distribution, anisotropy, secant modulus


It is shown that the distribution of the ends of tubular billets, which are the main connecting elements of the vehicle brake system, is accompanied by a loss of stability in the circumferential and axial directions, as well as localization of deformations, followed by destruction in the form of a longitudinal crack that occurs at the end of the preform. The presence of the weld complicates the general conditions of deformation during crimping and distribution and leads to the destruction of the workpiece along the weld. To prevent cracking, it is necessary to tighten the crimping and distributing factors, which inevitably leads to an increase in the number of transitions, the complexity of the process and the cost of manufacturing the part as a whole. The issue of deformation of welded structures is of interest with the development of new materials for the automotive industry, such as joining two or more steel sheets with different mechanical properties, thickness or type of coating, which are important for reducing weight, minimizing costs and reducing scrap. It is shown that the deformation of the pipe billet will depend not only on the plasticity characteristics of the base metal and the weld metal, which is obvious, but also on the ratio of the squares of the pipe billet. The increase in the above modulus of plasticity is accompanied by hardening of the welded joint compared with the initial metal of the workpiece, respectively, a decrease in the value of the secant modulus in both directions – a decrease in the strength characteristics of the weld metal. Further analysis of the deformation of the welded workpiece should be carried out taking into account the local anisotropy caused by the welding seam, which will make it possible to determine the conditions of sustained plastic deformation and create an additional effect on the weakened area.


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How to Cite

R. Puzyr, Y. Siraia, and V. Diatlovska, “Modeling the material of the cylindrical work with welded seam at compression distribution of vehicle parts”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 130–135, Jun. 2021.



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