Modeling of cutting forces while boring heat – resistant alloy Inconel 718




Machining simulation; boring; FEM, frequencies; cutting forces.


In this work, authors had made computer FEM (finite element method) simulation of machining holes in part made of heat-resistant alloy Inconel 718. For this simulation nonlinear solver LSDyna had been used. Material type for physical modeling of workpiece have been selected to JohnsonCook formulation. Tool configuration is rigid and have dynamic stiffness in three dimensions in the fastening points. Graphs of cutting forces and moments of cutting for three different depths of cut had been obtained. In the beginning of the cutting, in addition to the smooth increase of cutting forces, highfrequency oscillations with amplitudes of 13 N also take parts. The resulting cutting force has pronounced harmonic oscillations at low frequencies. The maximum burst of amplitude occurs in the period from 0.9 to 1.3 seconds from the start of cutting. It is recommended to carry out a smooth increase of cutting forces at this time through cutting modes. Highfrequency oscillations, which were insignificant in the context of each component of the cutting forces, due to the summation and oscillations of the holder play a crucial role in the oscillations of the boring moment.


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How to Cite

M. Shykhalieiev and V. Medvedev, “Modeling of cutting forces while boring heat – resistant alloy Inconel 718 ”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 57–63, Jun. 2021.


