Development of a tool module for external intermittent grinding with the activation of the cutting fluid




tool module, intermittent grinding, hydrodynamic cavitation, assembling grinding wheel, cutting fluid, mathematical model, abrasive sticks, machining operations, cylindrical grinder, control systems, adaptive control


An instrumental module for external circular grinding has been developed, using methods of intermittent processing with replaceable abrasive bars with a combined supply of coolant through the pores of the bars and through the channels between them, with its activation in special cavitation nozzles.

Is to develop a method for circular external inter-mittent grinding and a tool module that ensures stable operation of the wheel and efficient supply of cutting fluid to the cutting zone. The tool module of the assembling grinding wheel has been developed, which provides the effect of intermittent grinding with the supply of cutting fluid through the abrasive bars and the gap between them.


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How to Cite

A. Fesenko, F. Yevsiukova, and O. Naboka, “Development of a tool module for external intermittent grinding with the activation of the cutting fluid”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 218–227, Nov. 2021.



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