Finite element analysis of electroresistive heating of a high pressure apparatus for studying the solubility of GaN in Fe


  • Oleksiy Liudvichenko Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NASU, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Anisin Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NASU, Ukraine
  • Oleksandr Lyeshchuk Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Vitaliy Shchydlovskyi Bakul Institute for Superhard Materials NASU, Kyiv, Ukraine



gallium nitride, high pressure apparatus, high pressure cell, finite element method


The advantages and disadvantages of methods for gallium nitride crystals production are considered. The convergence of the solution of the problem of electroresistive heating at determination of a thermal condition of the high pressure apparatus cell is investigated. The thermal state of the high pressure apparatus cell used to determine the solubility of gallium nitride in iron has been modeled and investigated. It is determined that the combined discretization with the use of triangular and quadrangular elements allows to reduce the time of solving the coupled problem of electrical and thermal conductivity under these conditions. The results of calculations are presented by steady temperature fields in various elements of the device. It was obtained that at the temperature in the cell control point of 1800 °С its axial difference in the volume of the investigated sample of iron was 62 °С , the maximum difference was 156 °С. The simulated cell configuration and the heating conditions defined for it are acceptable for experimental studies of the solubility of GaN in contact with Fe under conditions of high pressures and temperatures.


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How to Cite

O. Liudvichenko, O. Anisin, O. Lyeshchuk, and V. Shchydlovskyi, “Finite element analysis of electroresistive heating of a high pressure apparatus for studying the solubility of GaN in Fe”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 302–306, Dec. 2021.


