Modeling of the frequency response function and its evaluation during boring




Frequency response function, boring, simulation, vibration, vibroacoustic behavior of machining centers


Finite element method of simulating frequency response function (FRF) for boring tool in LS-Dyna solver is investigated in this work.

Nowadays, computer numerical simulation allows to obtain FRF using different materials model with high precision compared to real experiments with sensors like impact hammer testing.

This function is used in construction of stability lobe diagrams that allows operator of machining center to avoid chatter self-excited vibrations.

Such vibration is led to decreasing of productivity and quality in cutting of metals and other materials.

Amplitude and phase angle for the model is obtained from LS-Dyna result interpreter, that reads binary files, created during simulation by the program.

Amplitude and phase angle of frequency response function are depending on dynamic stiffness of machining system. Real and imaginary part of frequency response function have been obtained during simulation.

With lack of dynamic stiffness amplitudes of response increases.


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How to Cite

M. Shykhalieiev and V. Medvedev, “Modeling of the frequency response function and its evaluation during boring”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 307–313, Dec. 2021.


