Experimental and Numerical Study of Pressure Intensity in Detachable Joints of D Series Pumps





pressure intensity, tensometric film, main joint, localized zone, specimen of flange fragment, reference zone, numerical simulation of stresses, membrane stresses, experimental simulation, results verification


The object of study is a single-stage double-suction axially split volute casing centrifugal pump.

Background. In the design process of pumps, the problems associated with ensuring the tightness of the axial joint of a pump casing being under the effect of mechanical and temperature loads, are being solved. During the study of axial joint tightness, numerical calculation methods are used to estimate the pressure intensity on the contacting surfaces. A detachable joint under the external load satisfies the criterions of the tightness if the pressure intensity on the sealing surfaces is higher than values of the specific pressure prescribed by regulations. However, inability to experimentally determine the pressure intensity on the contacting surfaces has so far prevented to assess the accuracy of results obtained by the numerical calculation methods.

Objective. In order to verify the numerical results obtained by mathematical models, an experiment was carried out using a special Prescale film that registers the magnitude of the contact pressure on the joint of the specimen model of the flange fragment. Based on the experimental results, an analysis of the pressure intensity distribution was conducted.

Methods. To conduct the experiment, there was developed a method for determining the pressure intensity on the contacting surfaces according to the proposed scheme of the specimen of the flange fragment.

Results. A comparative analysis of the solving results obtained for the contact problem on the finite-element models of the flange fragment and the zone of the pump casing joint in the discharge chamber area showed a good coincidence of the results. Analysis of results obtained experimentally on the specimen of flange fragment and results of the numerical calculation on the flange fragment model also showed a good agreement.

Conclusions. Therefore, results of the calculation of the pressure intensity in the detachable joints on mathematical models have been experimentally confirmed.


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How to Cite

A. Rudenko, V. Zubko, V. Khvorost, and A. Lysenko, “Experimental and Numerical Study of Pressure Intensity in Detachable Joints of D Series Pumps”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 153–164, Nov. 2021.


