Energy analysis of transfer processes and their main characteristics in thermo mechanical damping systems




Transfer phenomenon, energy balance, viscosity, temperature, heat flux, damper, regenerative devices, energy dissipation, dissipative function, similarity criteria


The article discusses the energy analysis of transfer processes in the damping system. The basic theoretical foundations based on the equations of the energy balance of the hydraulic shock absorber and the law of conservation of energy are presented. The proposed approach is associated with the development of a methodology and scheme for calculating the technical system of vibration damping. The schemes of interaction of the system through the phenomena of transfer and functioning of the vibration protection system with the environment are presented. It is shown that damper systems are based on the physical process of transformation of mechanical energy into thermal energy with subsequent dissipation into the environment. The total energy distribution in damping problems takes the following form the mechanical energy of motion is absorbed due to the hydraulic resistance of the liquid and turns into a dissipative component, which can reach 80% of the total energy. A mathematical model of the law of conservation of energy is presented which includes a dissipative function. The analysis of how it is possible to design work processes in a shock absorber due to energy dissipation and similarity criteria: Euler, Froude, Reynolds, etc. As a result of physical experiments, it was found that the movement of a fluid in hydraulic calibrated throttles gives rise to cavitation and various physical phenomena and accompanying processes, in which there is a significant change in the energy balance and energy dissipation in non-stationary modes of fluid movement.

The dependence of the total power loss of the shock absorber under changing operating conditions, and the diagram of physical processes and energy transformations in the problems of damping, which are in dissipative processes, are given. The article describes the principles that can be used for the design of devices and modules of damper systems of a wide class with the possibility of energy recovery and accumulation by introducing a damper into the system, for example, a motor generator, an inductor with permanent magnets or a peso element in the design of a traditional telescopic shock absorber.


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How to Cite

I. Nochnichenko and O. Jakhno, “Energy analysis of transfer processes and their main characteristics in thermo mechanical damping systems”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 366–373, Dec. 2021.



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