Increasing the durability of the gun barrels by strengthening the PPD of their inner




barrel, , cannon, artillery, barrel bore, material, wear, surface hardening, residual stress, hardening thickness


Abstract. The accompanying cannon shots, the chemical action of powder gases and high temperatures actively destroy the surface layer of the barrel bore material. This leads to a violation of the geometry of the barrel bore and, as a consequence, a decrease in the accuracy of the aimed firing of the gun. A description of a fundamentally new technology of hardening by surface plastic deformation of the inner working surface of the bore of large-caliber artillery and tank guns is given. This hardening technology is based on riveting the metal of the barrel bore with deforming bodies with a spherical impact surface, which are mounted on a massive cylindrical hardener. During processing from the electric motor, the cylindrical hardener is given a planetary rolling motion along the processed inner surface of the barrel bore. Simultaneously, the hardener is moved along the geometric axis of the processed gun barrel. The result of this hardening treatment is the formation of residual compressive stresses in the thickness of the bore material and an increase in its surface microhardness. This provides an increase in the resistance of the material of the barrel bores to its burning out, as well as to wear during cannon shots.

 The design of a strengthening device for this treatment has been created. It consists of a cylindrical hardener with deforming bodies, a mechanism for transmitting torque from the motor shaft to the hardener, and a drive motor. During processing, the hardening device is moved along the bore of the gun. Its cylindrical hardener rolls over the inner surface of the barrel to be machined and rivets its material. The ensured thickness of hardening of steel parts is 0.15–0.20 mm. The hardened surface layer of the tool barrel bore material formed during processing has an increased microhardness, due to which it reliably resists the formation of operational microcracks in it. In this case, the compressive stresses formed in the thickness of the hardened metal of the bore of the bore reliably resist the temperature growth of microcracks. This provides an increase in the resistance of the hardened metal of the barrel to operational destruction, thereby increasing the reliability and durability of artillery weapons.


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How to Cite

I. Aftanaziv, L. . Shevchuk, O. Strohan, and L. Strutynska, “Increasing the durability of the gun barrels by strengthening the PPD of their inner”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 314–324, Dec. 2021.


