Influence of cavitation processes on river water purification of mountain streams




mountain streams, self-cleaning processes, surface waters, cavitation phenomena, hydrodynamically active areas


Problems: The article considers the study of the influence of cavitation phenomena in hydrodynamically active areas of mountain rivers on the processes of natural self-purification of water. The paper considers the experimental results of determining the change in seasonal indicators of the hydrochemical composition of surface waters in the Stryi river basin.

Objective: to determine the impact of hydrodynamically active areas (HAA) of mountain rivers on the processes of natural self-purification and to develop methods of laboratory modeling of these areas to determine the hydrochemical parameters of river waters.

Methods of implementation: Research of ecological and hydrochemical factors of chemical composition of natural waters of the Stryi river basin combines basin and landscape-geochemical approaches, which allows to integrate various natural and anthropogenic influences, to identify the most important parameters for their detailed analysis. The combination of these approaches made it possible to improve the method of ecological analysis of the area of ​​the Stryi river basin, which allows to spatially differentiate and hydrochemically integrate the factors of formation of the chemical composition of natural waters.

Results: It is stated that microbiological safety of water is a special problem, because even water from underground sources may contain single cells of pathogenic microorganisms, but the main threat is water re-contaminated with microbes in case of leaks in the water supply network.

Conclusions: Analysis of the results of studies of the impact of self-cleaning processes in the river Stryi on the quality of water intake in Stryi showed that there are currently no negative effects of river waters of the river Stryi on groundwater deposits. The quality of river water is satisfactory for its use in domestic and drinking water supply and for recreational purposes. 


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How to Cite

O. . Yakhno, I. Hnativ, and R. Hnativ, “Influence of cavitation processes on river water purification of mountain streams”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 62–69, May 2022.


