Modernization of disc laser design using ellipsoid illuminator




disk laser, pump radiation, active element


Solid state disk lasers have a number of advantages over lasers with a rod active element. In particular, due to efficient heat dissipation, there is no thermal deformation of the active element and its transformation from the optical point of view into a lens. That in turn improves the stability of the generated laser beam and reduces the risk to lose of resonator stability. In addition, disk lasers are able to generate high power at a compact size. However, to ensure the direction of the pump radiation on the active element, disk lasers require a complex mirror system of reflection of the pump beams, and therefore have design limitations on the introduction of pump energy into the active element.

This article is dedicated to the development of the design of pumping system, which will increase the intensity of pumping the active element of the disk laser, which will increase the generated power. The article presents the original design of a disk laser with an ellipsoidal illuminator and a tiered system for pumping the active element by diode laser radiation. The results of modeling the heat dissipation from the active element to the refrigerator are presented. The estimation of the efficiency of excitation of the active element when using an ellipsoidal illuminator and the procedure for calculating the parameters of the generated laser beam are given.


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How to Cite

O. Kaglyak, A. Klimova, O. Poleshko, O. Goncharuk, and L. Golovko, “Modernization of disc laser design using ellipsoid illuminator”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 56–61, May 2022.



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