Investigation of physical aspects of energy dissipation in materials under static and dynamic loading




energy dissipation, deformation, material, medium, parameters, hysteresis loop, oscillation decrement


The research is carried out to determine the qualitative and quantitative picture of changes in energy scattering in specific materials and environments under different laws of their loading, processing and creation of new mixtures and materials. It was found that different methods are used to determine the dissipative characteristics, the assessment of which makes it difficult to assess the reliability of the results, as different assumptions and assumptions are accepted. The study of the physical aspects of energy scattering in materials and media is carried out according to linear and nonlinear load laws based on the use of hysteresis loop methods in transient and constant load regimes. It is found that the shape of the hysteresis loop depends to some extent on the law of change of load per cycle. The method of attenuating oscillations of energy absorption estimation by determining the logarithmic decrement of oscillations is used. According to the results of processing the measurement results, it is found that in the studies performed, the energy absorption coefficient varies in the range of 0.04-0.20, depending on the amplitude of relative deformation. which has elastically viscous properties and is under the action of force load. In physical terms, this formula determines the energy consumption per unit volume of material, takes into account the asymmetry of the load and can serve as an energy criterion for energy dissipation in materials under load.


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How to Cite

. I. Nazarenko, A. Zaprivoda, A. Bondarenko, M. Nesterenko, and V. Sliusar, “Investigation of physical aspects of energy dissipation in materials under static and dynamic loading”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 70–78, May 2022.


