Calculation and experimental procedure for determining the modulus of elasticity of porous coatings on a substrate during bending. Part 2. Experimental research




modulus of elasticity, coating, microplasma spraying, bending stiffness, porosity, biomedical materials


As it was mentioned in the first part of this work, to determine the modulus of elasticity of one of the layers of a double-layer beam during bending, it is necessary to know the modulus of elasticity of the other layer and the bending stiffness of the entire section. Therefore, the purpose of the presented part of the work is to experimentally establish the specified characteristics of coated samples of rectangular cross-section and substrate without coating during three-point bending. The results of experimental studies of elastic-geometric characteristics during bending of samples with coatings of VT1-00 and KTC-110 alloys, applied to a substrate of VT6 alloy by microplasma sputtering, with different degrees of porosity, are presented. Analytical calculations of the modulus of elasticity of the specified coatings were carried out, the results of which make it possible to establish the general regularities of its change depending on their degree of porosity.


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How to Cite

M. Dyman, A. . Moltasov, and S. Kaliuzhnyi, “Calculation and experimental procedure for determining the modulus of elasticity of porous coatings on a substrate during bending. Part 2. Experimental research”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 262–268, Dec. 2022.


