Alternative technologies of composite highly loaded of aircraft structures: a qualitative method of making multi-criteria decisions. Part II. Modeling in multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives


  • Volodymyr Zabashta JSC "Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Aviation Technology" (UkrNDIAT), Kyiv, Ukraine



Alternative technological processes (ATP), VSP, composites (PCM), prepreg, infusion, POPR, hierarchical structure, ADS, interpretation, parabola, attractor, torus


The second part of the article is based on the starting points in the decision-making problem (DPR) indicated at the first stage of research [1, point 2.]. Here, the comparison of alternative autoclaved and non-autoclaved technologies for the production of carbon-plastic aircraft structures (AK) of the highly loaded type is continued wing caisson stringer panels (VSP) of B787, A350, MC-21, CSeries mainline aircraft. The main provisions of decision-making theory and a system-process approach with the involvement of practice results are taken as the methodological basis. From the beginning, the following are presented: a scheme for assessing the relative quality of technological process objects; a block-type conceptual model of the subject area of ​​decision-making and its basis; composition of selection criteria and indicators. Based on the above and with the involvement of autonomous dynamic systems (ADS) with discrete time, as well as the theory of the parabola (quadratic function), a formalized model of systemically grouped processes in the evaluation of alternatives is given. On this basis, the study of the essential differences of alternatives with the interpretation of topology ideas (homology groups) was continued to support the adoption of a reasoned final decision in the future, as the goal of modeling this separate side of the functioning of the technical system.


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How to Cite

V. Zabashta, “Alternative technologies of composite highly loaded of aircraft structures: a qualitative method of making multi-criteria decisions. Part II. Modeling in multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 203–220, Oct. 2022.



Aviation Systems and Technologies