The structure of viscous liquid internal flows in tanks with damping baffles


  • Vasyl Kovalev Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine
  • Wei Chenyu National technical university "Igor Sykorskiy Kiyiv Polytechnical Institute", Ukraine



fuel tank, baffle, resonant sloshing, velocity and pressure field, force effect of flow on baffles


Modern moving objects containing large volumes of liquid need to ensure stability on the movement trajectory, reliability of control during maneuvers, as well as the ability to predict and prevent extreme movement conditions. The presented article provides review materials devoted to the research results into inertial flows of viscous incompressible fluid in tanks with internal damping baffles. In order to exert force on resonant excitations from the liquid side and to compensate for the instabilities of moving objects, the analysis and design of rational structures of influence means on currents is carried out.

Among the most effective means of damping should be noted rigid internal baffles of various designs installed in tanks in the most likely areas where instabilities and sources of excitation of resonant fluid movements may occur. Flat rigid partitions, profiled permeable damping surfaces, perforated and retaining elements, enslavers of liquid due to surface tension forces, etc., require comprehensive and detailed study and analysis.


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How to Cite

V. . Kovalev and W. . Chenyu, “The structure of viscous liquid internal flows in tanks with damping baffles”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 309–316, Dec. 2022.



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