Analysis of Available Data and Estimation of Energy Supply of Mechanical Processing


  • Valerii Lavrinenko Інститут надтвердих матеріалів НАН України, Ukraine
  • Volodymyr Solod Dnipro State Technical University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kamianske, Ukraine



diamond-abrasive treatment, specific energy intensity of grinding, specific heat capacity of melting, abrasive layer of wheel


The issue of energy efficiency of machining processes has been the focus of attention for the last 50 years. This is due to the fact that in comparison with other industries, metallurgy and mechanical engineering are characterized by a high level of energy intensity of products.

Analysis of available in the literature indicators of energy costs of processing processes and determination of consistent data from these indicators.

Establishing an analytical relationship between the grinding energy and the energy required for melting the finishing material.

It is determined that the cutting energy of the material during chip for­mation is close to the energy required for melting the metal, and the excess amount of spent grinding energy is spent on friction between the chips and the grinding wheel. It is shown that in the literature there are data on the energy consumption of different treatments: turning - 2 kJ/cm3, milling - 9 kJ/cm3, grinding - 60 kJ/cm3, electrospark treatment - 3000 kJ/cm3. At the same time, the specific energy consumption of steel grinding is 60 kJ/cm3. And the specific heat of fusion of steel is 0.64 kJ/cm3. As a result, 100 times more heat is pumped into the steel during grinding than is needed to melt it. That is, there is a contradiction.

To find ways to resolve this contradiction, it is more accurate to estimate the specific energy consumption of diamond-abrasive machining of superhard materials through additional consideration, in addition to productivity and effective machining power, wear of the working layer of the wheel.


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How to Cite

V. Lavrinenko and V. Solod, “Analysis of Available Data and Estimation of Energy Supply of Mechanical Processing”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 293–301, Dec. 2022.



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