Quantitative evaluation of properties of structural solutions of electrohydraulic positioning actuators





Electrohydraulic positioning actuators, property, structure, control methods, evaluation of properties


Based on the analysis of known electro-hydraulic positioning actuators, its generalized scheme was given, which includes: control unit, command formation unit for reaching given position, executive mechanism, position sensor, and hydraulic energy supply unit. It was determined that the main difference between the actuators lies in the command formation unit, the structural solutions of which are based on four control methods: analog control of fluid supply to reach preset position; discrete control the time of fluid supply to reach preset position; discrete control of fluid supply to reach preset fixed position; discrete control of portioned fluid supply to reach preset position. For various structural solutions of actuators, the influence of the main parameters on their effectiveness in achieving the basic properties was analysed. A quantitative evaluation was proposed, which made it possible to reveal the relationship between the structure and properties of the actuators. The obtained results can be used to develop new effective positional actuators.


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How to Cite

Q. Li and O. Uzunov, “Quantitative evaluation of properties of structural solutions of electrohydraulic positioning actuators”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 254–261, Dec. 2022.


