Analysis of the forces acting from the side of the magneto-abrasive tool on parts being machined during magneto-abrasive machining in conditions of the annular bath with large working gaps




Magneto-abrasive machining, friction force, drag force, magneto-abrasive tool, magnetic induction


Background. For effective magneto-abrasive machining (MAM) of complex-shaped parts, comprehensive information is needed on the processes that occur when the magneto-abrasive tool (MAT) contacts with the surfaces being machined. Effective magneto-abrasive machining occurs in the presence of sufficient values of the normal and tangential components of the interaction forces between the MAT and the machined surfaces and the powder mixing during machining. Previously carried out analytical studies of dynamic parameters did not take into account the real conditions of the interaction of grains and their groups with machined surfaces.

Objective. Complex analysis of the processes that occur during magneto-abrasive machining of parts made from different types of materials, based on the results of the study of the friction forces between the magneto-abrasive tool and the surface being machined and the drag forces during the movement of parts in the working zone of the machine.

Methods. To achieve the set goal, the forces acting on the samples during their magneto-abrasive machining were measured with subsequent analytical analysis.

Results. The complex analysis of the processes occurring during MAM in conditions of the annular working zone with large working gaps of parts made of various materials was carried out based on the results of the study of the friction and drag forces that occur when the part moves relative to the magneto-abrasive tool.

Conclusions. It has been determined that when machining non-magnetic samples at the constant value of the magnetic field in the working zone, the specific drag forces are practically independent of the shape of the used powder. According to the analytical representation of the friction and drag forces, their ratio between their specific values was calculated. By the nature of the change in this ratio, it was found that it decreases with an increase in the velocity of samples movement along the working zone, and with an increase in the angular velocity of rotation of the samples around its axis, this value increases in the studied velocity range. It has been determined that at the velocity of movement along the working zone of 2.2 m/s, there is a slight increase in the ratio between the specific forces of friction and drag, which is associated with the action of ponderomotive forces that appear near the surface of the machined parts and lead to an increase in local magnetic forces in these zones.


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How to Cite

V. Maiboroda, D. Dzhulii, and K. Zastavskyi, “Analysis of the forces acting from the side of the magneto-abrasive tool on parts being machined during magneto-abrasive machining in conditions of the annular bath with large working gaps”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 7, no. 1 (97), pp. 61–67, Apr. 2023.



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