Ultrasound homogenization in the production of dairy products





ultrasound, ultrasound processing, homogenization, cavitation, non-thermal processing, thermosonication, ultrasonic transducer


This paper discusses traditional methods of primary milk processing and substantiates the perspective of using ultrasound for milk processing through non-thermal methods. The mechanism of ultrasound homogenization is described, along with the structural features and main components of equipment for ultrasound milk processing. The impact of ultrasound processing on the organoleptic properties of dairy products is investigated in comparison to traditional processing methods. An experimental method of ultrasound milk homogenization using equipment with an ultrasonic cavitation is also examined.


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How to Cite

O. Luhovskyi, I. Bernyk, I. Gryshko, T. Zheliaskova, and V. Zheliaskov, “Ultrasound homogenization in the production of dairy products”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 7, no. 2 (98), pp. 179–184, Oct. 2023.


