Adaptation of corporate model of ukrainian aircraft product life cycle to the international methodology of systems engineering




System engineering, complex technical system, aircraft construction product, science-intensive product, life cycle of science-intensive product


Problems. Under the present-day conditions, the preservation of competences of Ukrainian aircraft construction enterprises will be determined by the possibility of enterprises attracting to participation in international cooperation programs and projects. But this is possible only on the condition of prior harmonization of the product development methodology adopted in Ukrainian aircraft construction to that used in the international aircraft construction projects.

Purose. The main goal of this article is to determine the ability and ways of adapting the corporate model of life cycle of aircraft engineering projects by Ukrainian aircraft construction enterprises to modern global aircraft construction practices.

Implementation methodology. The research methodology predicted the identification of the main modern trends in the field of system engineering for the creation of a science-intensive product, as well as the analysis of concepts of presenting the life cycle of complex technical systems in international regulatory documents, industry regulations, guidelines and other information sources. Criteria for perspective of using the identified informational and normative sources as close analogues for the development of one's own corporate model of life cycle of an aircraft construction product were identified. On the basis of the criterion analysis of researched concepts of the life cycle of complex technical systems representing, the requirements were formed, which formed the basis of the concept of one's own corporate model of life cycle of the aircraft construction product.

 The results. The result of conducted research was the proposed concept of a corporate model of the life cycle of an aircraft construction product manufactured in Ukraine, which takes into account the international experience and best practices of leading aircraft construction companies, including focusing on the experience accumulated by domestic aircraft manufacturers.

Conclusions. According to the results of analysis of advanced world practices in the field of creating a science-intensive product, an own corporate model of the life cycle of an aircraft product manufactured in Ukraine was proposed. In the future, on the basis of this model, a system for creating an aircraft product can be built and developed, which will be harmonized with existing world practices and will allow the domestic aircraft construction enterprises to fight for participation in international programs and projects.


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How to Cite

S. Kryvova, C. Zvorykin, and S. Trubachev, “Adaptation of corporate model of ukrainian aircraft product life cycle to the international methodology of systems engineering”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 7, no. 3 (99), pp. 394–404, Dec. 2023.



Aviation Systems and Technologies