The influence of the degree of throttling on the dynamic parameters of a two-way drive with vacuum gripping devices




actuators with vacuum grippers, the effect of throttling on transient processes in the drive


An assessment of the current state of research on transient processes in pneumatic actuators is presented. The advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic drives with vacuum gripping devices and their connection with practical design tasks are shown. It has been established that the calculation of parameters and the design of high-speed, typical pneumatic actuators and actuators with vacuum grippers differ significantly. The expediency of using vacuum gripping devices in manipulation drives is shown. It was established that, unlike pneumatic cylinders of mechanical gripping devices, for which the final phase of the actuation cycle is important, in which the piston at the end of the stroke is already stationary, but the pressure in the working cavity increases and, accordingly, the force on the rod increases, for actuators with vacuum gripping devices, this phase is not is taken into account. The choice of a mathematical model and a methodology for calculating the transient processes of double-acting pneumatic actuators is substantiated. The model involves recording the equation of motion of the cylinder piston, supplemented by equations describing pressure changes in the working and exhaust cavities of the cylinder, followed by computer simulation. As part of the mathematical model, a study of transient processes was carried out, therefore, all simulation results are shown in the time interval limited by the period of piston movement (ie, preparatory and final periods were not considered). The effect of the effective areas of the input and output pneumolines of the pneumocylinder on dynamic processes in the actuator was studied. It was established that the change in the diameter of the inlet opening and, accordingly, the area of the inlet opening of the working or exhaust cavity leads to a change in the flow rate and capacity factor of the communication lines, is characterized by a change in the kinetic energy of the output link, limits its working speed and ensures the smoothness of the movement of the output link of the drive.


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How to Cite

S. Nosko, O. Haletskyi, and D. Kostiuk, “The influence of the degree of throttling on the dynamic parameters of a two-way drive with vacuum gripping devices”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 7, no. 3 (99), pp. 309–316, Dec. 2023.


