Alternative technologies of composite of highly loaded aircraft structures: a qualitative method for making multicriteria decisions: Part III. Research of the methodological basis in decision-making: technological constructions in in the assessment toolki


  • Volodymyr Zabashta JSC "Ukrainian Scientific and Research Institute of Aviation Technology" (UkrNDIAT), Ukraine



AK, PKM, PKM/AK, VP, ADS, ATP, TP(e), CTR, interpretation, polyhedra, cellular spaces, cellular structures, quality-cost, criterion estimates, pyramid, circular cone, triangulation


The third part of the article proceeds from the starting points in the decision-making problem (DMP) specified in the first stages of research [1, 2]. Here, we continue to compare the predominance (first of all, quality) of autoclave and non-autoclave alternative technological processes (ATP) as part of the stages of TP(e) with a linear algorithm of end-to-end action in the manufacture of carbon fiber (CF) aircraft structures (AC) such as highly loaded wing stringer panels (HLS) of B787, A350, MC-21, CSeries mainline aircraft as a component of hierarchical systems. To describe and study them, the following were involved: initial technological and verbal models, technological and mathematical model of an autonomous dynamic system (ADS) and a number of two-dimensional manifolds (topology) to it in the form of technological and geometric models. The article continues the study of development in this direction by approximating manifolds by polyhedra. Including co-cellular and double-formed structures - pentagonal pyramids and bipyramids, as well as bodies of revolution around them - cone and bicon. Examples of schematic and technological interpretive modeling are presented. The methodological basis is the main provisions of decision-making theory, factor analysis and system-process approach with the involvement of practice results (expert analysis), first of all, the definition of technological factors of processes with criterion assessments of the advantages, components of alternatives in their competitive strategies.


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How to Cite

V. Zabashta, “Alternative technologies of composite of highly loaded aircraft structures: a qualitative method for making multicriteria decisions: Part III. Research of the methodological basis in decision-making: technological constructions in in the assessment toolki”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 7, no. 3 (99), pp. 374–388, Dec. 2023.



Aviation Systems and Technologies