Prediction of the characteristics of the braking process of a discrete hydraulic drive




hydraulic actuator, discrete action, mathematical model, modeling, processes, loads, friction, braking


The study was carried out based on the developed mathematical model of the discrete hydraulic actuator. The model is characterized by considering the nonlinear friction based on the LuGre model, the bidirectional motion of the asymmetric hydraulic cylinder, and the elastic properties of the fluid. A series of simulation experiments on the braking process of the hydraulic actuator in the discrete control mode were carried out. The quantitative relationship between the rod braking time, the maximum peak pressure in the hydraulic cylinder chambers, the value of the initial rod velocity and the inertial mass of the moving parts are determined. Based on the research results it is possible to predict the braking time of the rod and the maximum peak pressure in the hydraulic cylinder chambers under various operating conditions and inertial loads. These predictions can be used in the settings and design process of hydraulic actuators.


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How to Cite

Q. Li and O. Uzunov, “Prediction of the characteristics of the braking process of a discrete hydraulic drive”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 1(100), pp. 73–79, Mar. 2024.


