Enhancement of laser cutting by using ball smoothing of cut surface





laser cutting, improvement of characteristics, ball smoothing of the surface, surface structures, combined process


This article considered the problem of improving the quality of the edges of parts cut by laser radiation, due to a new approach, which consists in smoothing the surface of laser cuts with a ball tool. The conducted analysis showed the prospects of improving the characteristics of the technology of laser cutting parts from sheets of different thickness when applying subsequent ball smoothing of the cut surface. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the effect of smoothing parameters on the operational characteristics of parts obtained by this combined method. The necessary methods of assessing the roughness of the cut surfaces, the microhardness of their edges, and the residual stresses occurring in the surface layer of the cut were used to conduct the experiments. Based on the formulated hypothesis about the prospect of improving the characteristics of the cut edges during their subsequent smoothing, it was experimentally established that there is a noticeable decrease in the values of roughness parameters after smoothing the surface of laser cuts compared to their values for samples only after laser cutting. In addition, studies show that in the region of the edge of the cut, there is an increase in the microhardness of the cut surface by up to 20%. At the same time, compressive stresses appear on the edge of the cut, which ensure an increase in the operational characteristics of the parts after the proposed combined treatment. To implement the researched technology of smoothing the laser cut surface, the design of the smoothing head was proposed. As a result of the study of the proposed combined method of obtaining parts by laser cutting with subsequent smoothing of the surface of the cuts, it was confirmed that with low additional capital costs, it is possible to significantly improve the operational characteristics of the parts produced in this way. This also proves the prospects for further development of the presented combined technology, both with the use of ball smoothing and with the application of other methods of surface strengthening of laser cut edges.


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How to Cite

V. Romanenko, M. Bloshchytsyn, M. Romanenko, and A. Kushnerenko, “Enhancement of laser cutting by using ball smoothing of cut surface”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 2(101), pp. 195–202, Jun. 2024.



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