Rheological models of trabecular structures joint implants obtained by additive processes





trabecular structures, implants of hip and knee joints, dynamic parameters, rheological models, additive processes, provision of functional requirements


Features of the structure of trabecular structures for the manufacture of implants of hip and knee joints and rheological models that can be used as a basis for analyzing the dynamics of biomechanical systems "bone-articulated implant" are considered. It is taken into account that the implant itself should be made in the form of a combined set of functional elements (or initial surfaces), the dynamic properties of which are variable and maximally adapted to the properties of the connected bone, which allows to preserve the initial properties of the bones of the joints as much as possible while ensuring the proper strength and reliability of the structure in as a whole The interdependence of the results of surgical intervention with the patient's initial condition, indications for treatment, his activity and possible postoperative complications was analyzed. An optimization function of the process of designing, manufacturing and operational support of implantation, which has probabilistic components, is proposed.
It is shown that it is most appropriate to use the Burgers model when studying the dynamics of the "bone-articulated implant" components, and the trabeculae density coefficient can be a generalized characteristic of the formed trabecular structures, provided that the geometric parameters match the bone tissue.


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How to Cite

O. Salenko, M. Kryshchuk, N. Havrushkevych, H. Habuzian, and D. Dzhulii, “Rheological models of trabecular structures joint implants obtained by additive processes”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 2(101), pp. 182–194, Jun. 2024.



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