The influence of fluid temperature on the flow characteristic of a three-way proportional flow control valve




flow control valve, temperature, viscosity, hydraulic drive


For the efficient operation of hydraulic systems of industrial and mobile hydraulic drives, it is important to consider the temperature of the fluid, which affects power losses, including hydro-mechanical losses, such as friction in pipes, and volume losses, such as losses due to leaks. For hydraulic systems with high requirements for the efficiency and accuracy of the positioning of the output link, considerable attention should be paid to the influence of the fluid temperature on the characteristics of the regulating equipment, a common type of which is the flow control valve. The article analyzes the schematic diagram, design features, and geometric parameters of the threeway flow control valve with pilot proportional control and the forces acting on its internal elements. Two hypotheses have been put forward, which connect the design features with the deviation of the flow through the flow control valve when the temperature of the fluid changes. An experimental study of the effect of temperature on the flow characteristics of the flow control valve was carried out. It was established that an increase in the temperature of the fluid reduces the flow through the flow control valve at a constant value of the control signal. A method of compensating the deviation from the initial flow setting by taking into account the current value of the temperature of the fluid in the control algorithm of the programmed logic controller is proposed. For the technical implementation of the proposed method, it is necessary to add temperature control to the hydraulic system and make changes to the control algorithm of the flow control valve.


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How to Cite

H. Soldatkin and O. Gubarev, “The influence of fluid temperature on the flow characteristic of a three-way proportional flow control valve”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 2(101), pp. 210–218, Jun. 2024.



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