The Impact of Hydraulic System Pressure Changes on the Dynamic Properties of a Hydraulic Actuator




aircraft, control system, hydraulic actuator, dynamic parameters, operation


The object of the study is the dynamic properties of the hydraulic actuator of the aircraft control system. In order to improve the stability and controllability of an aircraft, it is necessary to determine the regularity of changes in the dynamic parameters of the actuator (phase and amplitude margins, resonant peak frequency and amplitude, etc.) depending on changes in the pressure of the hydraulic system. As a result of the study performed using the available mathematical model, the dependence of the dynamic parameters of the hydraulic actuator of the specified kinematic scheme on the supply pressure was obtained. It was found that with an increase in supply pressure, the dynamic parameters of the actuator deteriorate: phase and amplitude margins decrease, peak resonance amplitude increases, and resonance frequency decreases. However, for a more accurate quantitative assessment, further research with a refined mathematical model is necessary. The obtained results can be applied in the future to optimize the operating conditions of actuators for aircraft control systems, the power source of which is a constant delivery pump working in conjunction with a hydraulic accumulator and a hydro-mechanical pump unloading mechanism.


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How to Cite

R. Yeremenko, “The Impact of Hydraulic System Pressure Changes on the Dynamic Properties of a Hydraulic Actuator”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 2(101), pp. 157–163, Jun. 2024.


