Simulation of the effect of multi-particle temperature on Al6061 coating porosity based on Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) method
Cold spraying, CEL, deposition, temperature, multi-particle, porosity, substrateAbstract
Cold spray is a solid-state deposition technology widely used in additive manufacturing. The particles temperature is mostly used to adjust the porosity of the coating. This article uses Pyhon script to model the multi-particle model; then the multi-particle model is nested in the CEL deposition model to simulate the actual cold spray multi-particle deposition process; The CEL method has the characteristics of high accuracy and robustness and was selected as the simulation method for the multi-particle deposition model. The porosity of the coating is expressed by studying the value of the EVF void area in the Euler domain. Multiple groups of samples were taken on the coating surface to calculate the porosity of each group, and the average value was finally taken as the porosity of the entire coating. Numerical results show that increasing the particle temperature can effectively reduce the porosity of the coating. The average porosity of the coating under the particles temperature conditions are 600 K: 5.08 %; 650 K: 4.02 %; 700 K: 3.58 %; deposition completed the inside of the coating appears to be compacted. The substrate temperature will affect the combination of the coating and the substrate. It is recommended that the temperature difference between the particles and the substrate should not be too large. The CEL method simulates the process of cold spray multi-particle deposition, which is an effective method to observe and predict the porosity of the coating, which is also unachievable by the SPH and ALE methods.
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