Identification of dynamics for machining systems




machining system, identification of dynamic parameters, experimental modal analysis


Cutting processes are carried out in an elastic machining system, which is multi-mass with negative and positive loop control with a delay in construed mathematical models. Its behavior during the cutting process is entirely determined by dynamic properties and an adequate parameters of mathematical model is necessary to control the process. The paper proposes a method for identifying such dynamic parameters of the machining system, which include natural vibration frequencies, vibration damping coefficients, and stiffness of the replacement model of single-mass system in the direction of the machine-CNC coordinate axes.

It is proposed to identify such parameters as a result of experimental modal analysis by impacting the elements of the tool and workpiece with an impact hammer and processing the impulse signal with a fast Fourier transform. It is proposed to adapt the results obtained to the adopted mathematical model of the machining system, presented in the form of two masses, each with two degrees of freedom, according to the equivalence of the spectrum signal power or its spectral density. The cutting force model in the form of a linearized dependence on the area of undeformed chips needs to be clarified by the coefficient using experimental oscillograms obtained during milling of a workpiece mounted on a dynamometer table. Based on the identified parameters of the machining system, a stability diagram was constructed in the “spindle speed – feed” coordinates and experiments were carried out under conditions in the zone of stable and unstable cutting. Evaluation of the roughness of the machined surface confirmed the correspondence to the location of the stability lobes diagram constructed using the identified parameters, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed identification method.


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How to Cite

Y. Petrakov, O. Okhrimenko, and M. Sikailo, “Identification of dynamics for machining systems”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 4(103), pp. 337–345, Dec. 2024.



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