The method of calculation and research of dynamic loads and energy losses during the operation of the lifting mechanism of the overhead crane




lifting crane, lifting mechanism, calculation method, mathematical model, dynamic loads, energy losses


The object of the study is overhead cranes.
The work solves the problem of reducing dynamic loads and energy consumption of cargo lifting cranes thanks to the improvement of the method of calculating energy losses and dynamic loads during the lifting period. The mathematical model of the crane takes into account all the main parameters of the electromechanical system "drive - metal structure - load".
A methodology has been developed for the study of dynamic loads and energy losses during the operation of the lifting mechanism of overhead cranes. The results of the study of dynamic loads and energy losses by overhead cranes with a load capacity of 5 tons with spans from 19.5 to 31.5 m depending on the height of the load, weight of the load, span of the crane and other factors are presented, which made it possible to increase the accuracy of calculations by 13-25%.
The analysis of research results showed that energy losses largely depend on the lifting height, the weight of the load, the mechanical characteristics of the electric drive, the moment of inertia of the electric motor rotor and the couplings on the high-speed shaft.
Research results can be applied in calculations, design and operation of overhead cranes.


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How to Cite

O. Nyezhentsev, O. Kravchenko, H. Boiko, and I. Tsymbalenko, “The method of calculation and research of dynamic loads and energy losses during the operation of the lifting mechanism of the overhead crane”, Mech. Adv. Technol., vol. 8, no. 4(103), pp. 346–352, Dec. 2024.



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